
Posts Tagged ‘freedom of the press’

The U.S. ranks 46th in freedom of the press

12 February 2014 4 comments

According to Reporters Without Borders, the United States has the forty-sixth freest press in the world (sandwiched between Romania and Haiti), a decline of thirteen spots from 2013. This decline was one of the biggest in the world.

The top ten countries for press freedom are:

  1. Finland
  2. Netherlands
  3. Norway
  4. Luxembourg
  5. Andorra
  6. Liechtenstein
  7. Denmark
  8. Iceland
  9. New Zealand
  10. Sweden

Reporters Without Borders ranked 180 total countries.

Freedom of press

The U.S. ranks 15th in perceived press freedom

3 May 2013 1 comment

According to Gallup, 87% of Americans believe that the United States has a free media. That is enough to make the United States tied for fifteenth with Senegal out of one hundred thirty-three countries ranked in that category. Finland ranks first, with 97% of Finns believing that their country has a free media.

Preview of “Perceived press freedom.xlsx”

The U.S. ranks 47th in press freedom

4 January 2013 2 comments

According to Reporters Without Borders, the United States ranks forty-seventh out of one hundred seventy-nine countries ranked for freedom of the press. The top ten countries for press freedom are:

  1. Finland
  2. Norway
  3. Estonia
  4. Netherlands
  5. Austria
  6. Iceland
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Switzerland
  9. Cape Verde
  10. Canada and Denmark (tied)

The U.S. ranks 22nd in freedom of the press

23 October 2012 15 comments

According to Freedom House, the United States has a press freedom score of 18, which makes the United States tied for twenty-second with Estonia and Jamaica out of one hundred ninety-seven countries ranked in that category. Finland, Norway, and Sweden are tied for first, with a press freedom score of 10.


The U.S. ranks 24th in press freedom

12 December 2009 Leave a comment

According to Freedom House, the United States has a press freedom score of 18, making the United States tied for twenty-fourth with the Czech Republic and Lithuania in that category. Iceland ranks first, with a score of 9. As reported here, the United States was tied for sixteenth in press freedom in 2007.

The U.S. ranks 36th in press freedom

26 February 2009 4 comments

According to Reporters Without Borders, in 2008 the United States was tied for thirty-eighth in terms of press freedom. The countries it was tied with are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cape Verde, South Africa, Spain, and Taiwan. Iceland, Luxembourg, and Norway were tied for first.

Compare the ranking here with this one previously posted.